Monday, April 4, 2011

Really, not since Cooper was born?

How is it that it has literally been 10 plus months since I have blogged?
Oh, wait. I had a child. Ha, and now, I spend my days exhausted looking at the house I should be cleaning. 
Don't get me wrong, Cooper is the absolute best thing that has happened to me. I am just a bit on the tired side tonight so the enthusiasm is wearing...

Let's see, the quick and dirty catch up -
Cooper was born June 3rd, 2010. 12:45 am
22 inches long, 7 lbs 12 oz
Happy, perfect :)

He has grown, grown and grown some more.
He is almost 25 pounds of a crawling-demolition-machine. 
Bang, bang bang. Bite, bite, bite!
(Yes folks, we may have a biter!)
Anyway, he is cruising, crawling and destroying. All boy and all go. I love it. 
Maybe I can make a pledge to do this more often...
Oh, and I will update the pictures...someday. 
Click the link below, there might be some pictures there. But don't get your hopes up too high, they too are not recent! :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Come on Baby Cooper

Still playin the waiting game on baby Cooper. I am 39 weeks and 2 days preggers so it could be anytime now. I am very excited but really, really ready to meet our little guy. So heres to the waiting game!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tile update

So, it has been many months since updating our blog and I figured we are way past due. We have lots of things to share but tile is the best way to start since that is where we finished. After some wonderful Christmas presents, we finally bought our tile and decided that next weekend will be the great transformation. We went with the slate tile that we have loved forever!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Photo Shoots, Quiznos and Tile

So today was a really great day. We had a photo shoot with baby Scout today. She was the cutest baby in the world and because the parents allowed her to go to sleep, we got some of the cutest shots we have gotten so far. I can really say it was AWESOME! I can't wait until the pictures get edited so we can see how precious she looks.
Later in the day, Jayson and I decided to go visit Quiznos. However when we got out of the car it was 8:55. Boo. We were like "oh, we can't go in." Having working in the service industry for so long, it was hard to go in because we know that they are ready to go home. However the workers encouraged us in and we had the most wonderful people make our sandwiches. Two younger guys were so nice and happy to help despite the time. I decided to write the GM of that Quiznos so that he can know what good employees he has. It was nice to see young people doing the right thing and being happy to do it! I recommend Lenoir City Quiznos to everyone for great service.
As for the tile...well we have wanted to put a tile back splash for a long time. Well we are going to take the plunge and do it. We bought sample tiles tonight and looked at 3 versions of tile.
Here is what we need from you...let us know what you think would be the best.

Version 1 is a slate mosaic tile that we have loved for years

Version 2 is a glass mosaic tile that is very similar but has a glossy sheen

Version 3 is a classic white subway tile for a clean crisp look

So...let us know what you think. We need help and just can't decide!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Jayson's First Post

As I sit here typing my first entry into this little contraption you all might call a blog... I have decided I will call it a BLAWAG... prounounced bloooaaaaooooog! LOL! I am very excite to do this blogging thing. All the other famous people in the world do it, and since WE are such a big deal... you know vith za movies and za athletics and tings... we should be blogging as well.

First off, I am very excited! For all of you who will become followers of this blog, I will post pictures from my photography adventures. I am sure that Amanda and I will also come up with some pretty funny stories to tell... so STAY TUNED PEOPLE! We love you! We love each other! AND I A LOVE DOOOOOGGGSSSS!!!!!!! I'M FIFTY!!!! FIFTY YEARS OLD!!!!

Amanda's First Post

So this is my first post on our new blog. I am excited because this is a way that our family, who lives so far away, :( can keep track of us. Jayson and are excited to announce a new era in our lives...yes...wait for we aren't pregnant! Hhahaha! But that is what you thought. Everyone thinks that since we have now been married 5 years, that we should now have babies. We love the idea but are slowly moving that way. We have time. We also have our 3 furry babies that we love. Don't worry, we will announce when the time comes. Right now we are celebrating the fact that my best friend in the world, Pam and John will be getting married on October 24, 2009 and our friends Sarah and Mike will be getting married August 15, 2009! Congrats guys. I can't wait.